Recent News & Events

photo of Jose_Peppers_Belton_PR_1 Block & Company local investment group acquires Jose Pepper's net leased real estate investment in Belton, MO
February 28, 2018

A Block & Company, Inc., Realtors managed investment group recently acquired the freestanding net leased Jose Pepper's restaurant at 1100 E. North Avenue in Belton, Missouri as part...


photo of Former_Runza_PR Block & Company local investment group purchases former Runza restaurant property in Mission, KS
February 27, 2018

A Block & Company, Inc., Realtors managed investment group recently acquired the former Runza restaurant building located at 6751 Johnson Drive in Mission, Kansas from Runza National,...


photo of Alexanders-GoFundMe-PR-2 10-year-old Alexander Goodwin beats cancer - Block & Co. sets up GoFundMe page to help family pay for remission costs
February 16, 2018

Alexander Goodwin, a 10-year-old boy who has beat Ewing sarcoma, an extremely rare form of cancer, is now in remission! Alexander, his mother, and father came to Kansas City in December...


photo of Q4 Block & Company Quarterly Report - 4th Quarter 2017
February 1, 2018

Block & Company Quartlery Report - 4th Quarter 2017 Letter from President David M. Block The resurgence of the US economy and the positive impact it has directly had on the commercial...


photo of PFO1 PLANET FITNESS OPENS ACROSS FROM OAK PARK MALL | Block & Company, Inc., Realtors announces the grand opening of the newest Planet Fitness location next to Best Buy in Overland Park, Kansas
January 11, 2018

Block & Company, Inc., Realtors is proud to announce that Planet Fitness opened their newest location on January 11, 2018. Located at 9331 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, the...


photo of Rosebud_Plaza_PR OLATHE SHOPPING CENTER SOLD | Block & Company negotiates sale of 106,000+ Sq Ft Rosebud Plaza Shopping Center in Olathe, KS
November 17, 2017

A Block & Company, Inc., Realtors managed investment group recently sold Rosebud Plaza Shopping Center to an undisclosed out of town buyer. The 106,324 square foot shopping center...


photo of Chapel_Ridge_Retail_Center_PR SHOPPING CENTER SOLD | Block & Company negotiates sale of 35,000 Sq Ft Chapel Ridge Retail Center in Lee's Summit, MO
October 12, 2017

On October 6, 2017, Block & Company, Inc., Realtors - representing the property owners - sold Chapel Ridge Retail Center to VAAP Chapel Ridge LLC for $3,000,000. The approximately...


photo of Planet_Fitness_PR Block & Company, Inc., Realtors brings new Planet Fitness to 93rd & Quivira in Overland Park, Kansas across from Oak Park Mall
October 11, 2017

Block & Company, Inc., Realtors successfully negotiated a long term lease with Planet Fitness to open their newest location at 9331 Quivira Road in Overland Park, KS. Planet Fitness...


photo of GolfLogo Lawrence, Kansas Golf Course within walking distance from KU acquired by a Block & Company, Inc., Realtors led partnership
October 5, 2017

A Block & Company, Inc., Realtors managed investment group recently acquired the Orchards by CobbleStone Golf Course in Lawrence, Kansas from Cobblestone, LLC. The 30.5 acres course,...


photo of JHB1 Block & Company announces the recipient of the annual James H. Block Scholarship
October 1, 2017

Block & Company, Inc., Realtors and The Greater Kansas City Restaurant Association are proud to announce that Rebecca Shields is the recipient of this years James H. Block Scholarship....


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