Below is a current list of businesses that are for sale. If you would like to find out more information or list your business with Block & Company, email and a representative will be in touch with you shortly.
Business | Price | Cash Flow | Location |
Art Gallery & Frame Shop | $140,000 |
Kansas City Missouri |
Bakery Franchise | $750,000 | South Kansas City Metro Area | |
Black Stag Brewery & Pub | $500,000 | Lawrence, KS | |
Flowerama Business & Property | $650,000 |
10211 W. 75th Street Overland Park, KS |
Former Brother's Bar & Grill | $399,999 |
1105 Massachusetts Street Lawrence, KS |
Lawrence Bar & Grill | $99,500 | Lawrence, KS | |
Loose Mansion | $4,300,000 |
101 E. Armour Boulevard Kansas City, MO |
The Paleta Bar | Contact Agent For Pricing |
8025 Metcalf Avenue Overland Park, KS. |
Toni's Italian Restaurant | $295,000 |
1808 E. Santa Fe Street Olathe, KS. 66062 |