Block & Company Quarterly Report - 1st Quarter 2021

April 13, 2021

Letter from President David M. Block

The start of the 2021 year has been a welcoming event and a great way to hit the refresh button after a challenging last year for us all. So far, it certainly appears as though 2021 is moving in the right direction. We're excited to report that the first quarter has been incredibly busy and positive from a business standpoint. The sales & leasing activity of our agents remains at full throttle and we don't expect anything to change heading into the second quarter.

Enthusiasm in the market from both our investors and tenant rep clients is at an all-time high and our brokerage team continues to aggressively seek out new and exciting opportunities in the marketplace. I strongly believe that the volume of activity we're seeing will only continue to compound throughout the remainder of this year.

As further outlined in the newsletter, we're very proud to announce that Block & Company is celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2021. The pandemic has complicated our initial plans to celebrate this milestone year but we're hopeful that we'll be able to host an event at some point in the coming future.

As always, thanks again to our staff members and brokerage for their hard work and efforts in this busy first quarter and we're looking forward to reporting a strong second quarter in a few months.

Full Newsletter

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