Block & Company Quarterly Review - 4th Quarter 2021

January 11, 2022

Letter from President David M. Block

The fourth quarter of 2021 will certainly go down in history as one of the most successful and active quarters ever at Block & Company, Inc., Realtors. The firm hired a number of new talented brokers and asset managers who helped with supporting our increased management portfolio. The strong momentum and production levels we saw from the last three quarters were sustained throughout the fourth quarter and it was a tremendous way to close out the year.

Block & Company appreciates the strong support from our investor groups while dealing with the challenges of the pandemic. This support, matched with our experience in the business for over 75 years, has paved the way for new opportunities that are continuously being presented in the commercial real estate arena during this unprecedented time.

I sincerely appreciate the hard work of our staff members, asset and construction managers, and brokers who also deserve a lot of recognition for the success we saw in 2021. It was a management intensive year but our experience helped us weather the emergencies brought on by the ups and downs created by the virus. Despite these challenges, I have every reason to believe that 2022 will be even more productive as we continue to grow and expand as a company.

Again, I'd like to say thank you to all of our investors, clients, vendors, and everyone with the firm and I hope everyone has a healthy and prosperous 2022.

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