Block & Company Quarterly Review - 4th Quarter 2024
January 15, 2025
Letter from President David M. Block2024 closed out as another banner year for Block & Company, Inc., Realtors. Our firm has put together a group of agents and employees that is running on all cylinders 100% of the time and I could not be prouder of the direction that we took during 2024. Our management portfolio continued to grow while our sales and leasing activity was as strong and effective as we've ever been in the history of our company. We have brought on many new and experienced salespeople, both men and women, giving us great enthusiasm for new opportunities and transactions. With interest rates coming down and more and more national and local companies wanting to expand and acquire commercial real estate, I believe that Block & Company will continue on this positive trajectory into 2025.
Sadly, in 2024 Block & Company lost two pillars of our firm, Steve Caffey and Gene Moffitt. Steve Caffey dedicated nearly five decades to Block & Company, Inc., Realtors, where he led our property management division and became a leader in our organization and the commercial real estate industry. Steve was a great resource for our agents and employees because of his knowledge and history in the industry.
Gene Moffitt was with Block & Company for 44 years and was one of the strongest agents in the company. Gene was involved in the development of properties all throughout Greater Kansas City and as our city continued to expand into the suburbs, Gene was at the forefront of shopping center development.
Steve and Gene will be truly missed by me and everyone who met them, and their memories and legacies will never be forgotten here at Block & Company. Steve Caffey and Gene Moffitt's obituaries.
In closing, I want to thank everyone who is involved in the success of Block & Company, Inc., Realtors. Let's have a great 2025!Full Newsletter